Pre-Configured Van Wall Panels: Worth the Splurge

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When it comes to building out your van's interior, the process can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are many different components to consider, from the layout of the space to the materials that will be used. One crucial aspect of the interior build is the installation of wall panels. Wall panels serve several key functions, including insulation, soundproofing, and aesthetics. They help to create a comfortable and functional living space in your van. However, installing wall panels can be a challenging and time-consuming task.

If you're planning to build your own wall panels for your van, you'll need to have the right tools, materials, and skills. You'll need to measure the space precisely, cut the panels to size, and ensure that they fit perfectly into place. If you've never stepped inside a van, you might not know that van walls aren't flat or 90 degrees. They slope, curve, concave, have structural members sticking out in inconvenient places (at least as far as furnishing is concerned), and offer limited places to secure the panels without drilling a hole through the side of your van.

This can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, especially if you're new to van building. Not to mention, if you're creating large wall panels, they can be incredibly difficult for one person to install on their own.

Fortunately, there is a better way to install wall panels in your van.

By opting for pre-configured wall panels, you'll save yourself valuable time and energy. You won't have to worry about measuring or cutting the panels, and you won't have to spend hours testing and fitting them into place. Instead, you can focus on the fun part of the build – customizing your van's interior.

Have you ever tried to paint or stain large pieces of wood outside, while trying to work around daylight, weather, and temperature? Trust us, it's less than ideal. If you take it a step further and opt for pre-finished panels, your van could become a livable space in one afternoon instead of a week.

As far as your van build is concerned, depending on your background and skill level, there are some elements we encourage people to take on themselves and others we know from experience just aren't worth the stress or hassle. Fabricating and installing wall panels is one of the steps we recommend getting a little help with. You know the base of your build will be secure, adaptable, and easy to install.

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